1) Cloud BigTable with Terraform

Giờ thì bạn click create

Đây là code terraform
resource "google_bigtable_instance" "bt-from-tf" { name = "bt-from-tf" deletion_protection = false labels = { "env" = "testing" } cluster { cluster_id = "bt-from-tf-1" num_nodes = 1 storage_type = "SSD" } } resource "google_bigtable_table" "tb1" { name = "tb-from-tf" instance_name = google_bigtable_instance.bt-from-tf.name }
2) Cloud MemoryStore with Terraform
MemoryStore thì sẽ giống với redis

Sau đây là code terraform
resource "google_redis_instance" "redis-from-tf" { name = "redis-from-tf" memory_size_gb = 1 tier = "BASIC" location_id = "asia-southeast1-a" authorized_network = "default" redis_version = "REDIS_5_0" display_name = "Redis Instance from terraform" }