1 số case thì mình cũng cần build image windows.và chúng ta cần 1 con windows server có docker trên đó
Trình bày các công nghệ CLOUD một cách dễ hiểu.
1 số case thì mình cũng cần build image windows.và chúng ta cần 1 con windows server có docker trên đó
Certainly! Using tools like find on Unix-based systems can be a more efficient way to list files, especially for very large directories. Here’s a guide on how to integrate the find command with a Go program: Step-by-Step Guide: Example: Here’s a simple Go program that uses the find command to list all files in a…
Read More “[Golang] List large files in the folder quickly on Golang” »
Thấy bài này hay nên mình lưu lại:https://itnext.io/terraform-building-eks-part-3-karpenter-installation-124b4ced729f
Nếu anh em đã có provison eks windows trước đó thì anh có thể thấy 2 thành phần: vpc-admission-webhook and vpc-resource-controller trong eks cluster của anh em. Nhưng ở các version mới của eks từ 1.23 + thì aws ko còn sử dụng chúng nữahttps://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/windows-support.html#enable-windows-support Và chúng ta cần remove vpc-admission-webhook and vpc-resource-controller ra khỏi cluster nếu bạn đang…
Read More “[EKS] Adjusting things to migrate EKS legacy to new versions.” »
Tetragon is a flexible Kubernetes-aware security observability and runtime enforcement tool that applies policy and filtering directly with eBPF, allowing for reduced observation overhead, tracking of any process, and real-time enforcement of policies. https://isovalent.com/blog/post/can-i-use-tetragon-without-cilium-yes/
Setting up Docker for Windows Containers manually is not really that hard to do. You can use Docker for Desktop, but if you don’t want to pay for a license, you can easily set up the Docker Daemon and CLI utilities to work with all your favorite development tools like Visual Studio or VS Code….
Read More “[Docker] Setup Docker for Windows Containers (NO Docker Desktop Needed!)” »
There are a few options to filter or allowlist metrics before they are sent to the remote storage via remote_write in Prometheus: 1. Use metric relabeling You can configure relabelling rules on the remote_write config to filter or transform metrics before they are sent. For example: with metrics: my_metric_http{status_code=200, cluster=nim] 100my_metric_http{status_code=500, cluster=nim] 100k8s_metric_memory{container=web, cluster=nim] 100…
Look into Mutation testing. Mutation testing is a type of software testing where certain statements in the source code are changed (or “mutated”) to determine if the test cases can detect the changes. The idea is to ensure that the test suite is robust and can catch defects in the code. Here’s a basic overview…
Look into the situation Đầu tiên chúng ta có 2 metric labels như sau: Metrics and Labels: Look into kube_pod_container_info metrics. With kube_pod_container_info Look into windows_container_cpu_usage_seconds_kernelmode windows_container_cpu_usage_seconds_kernelmode thì có container_id, nhưng lại không có namespace, pod, container==> Bằng mắt: thì chúng ta không thể nào nhận biết được CPU usage này của container nào. Từ…
Read More “How to join labels of 2 different metrics on PromQL” »