Trước đây mình có 1 bài hướng dẫn các bạn encypt 1 file manifest bất kì trước khi đẩy lên github và sau đó thì Argocd sẽ decrypt manifest và apply to k8s
Ksop with KMS on Argocd
Lần này chúng ta sẽ sử dụng KSOPS và KMS của aws.
Chúng ta cần cài sops
Cách cũ:
###-->>> apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install gcc git libffi-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev make openssl python3-dev python3-pip sudo pip install --upgrade sops
Cách mới
SOPS_LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K[0-9.]+') curl -Lo sops.deb "${SOPS_LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.deb" sudo apt --fix-broken install ./sops.deb rm -rf sops.deb sops -version
Bạn cần tạo file config cho SOPS
cat <<EOF > ./.sops.yaml creation_rules: - path_regex: .*.yaml encrypted_regex: ^(data|stringData)$ kms: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:2508876XXXX:key/c2affea6-1a23-4730-811c-4e00f71b4e1d #aws_profile: default #not working EOF
aws_profile là profile trong credential của aws.
Rất tiếc là không thể sử dụng key là aws_profile
I can not use sops with aws_profile
, an issue is open
Tuy nhiên bạn có thể dụng env
export AWS_PROFILE=production
Hoặc là –>
So when your aws credentials file contains multiple profiles you need to export two environments variables before sops command.
AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=sandbox sops -e -i settings/lab/ #AWS_PROFILE : forces sops to use different profile from default #AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 : AWS_PROFILE is only read if AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG is enabled
giờ mình sẽ tạo file configmap.yaml
vi configmap.yaml ####Content apiVersion: v1 data: exec.enable: 'true' kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: argocd argocd-cm argocd name: argocd-cm namespace: argocd root@LP11-D7891:~/sops# sops --encrypt --in-place configmap.yaml INFO found a configuration for 'configmap.yaml' in '../.sops.yaml' INFO: generating and storing data encryption key root@LP11-D7891:~/sops# cat configmap.yaml apiVersion: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:wsg=,iv:rp+e1hzMVMOoUXgu3qvnRj60xWPsBSD9bhSA7g7eL10=,tag:HdtqnI7dWsWV3W8kUB8Vcw==,type:str] data: exec.enable: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:rM28xg==,iv:KpAEhMo0H4ML4CRBqu4sHBFobOtdqt0BOU9AlctM+50=,tag:Snti0P/oX41ZjOCJs8dQ5w==,type:str] kind: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:VwA00IjAflnu,iv:ENpziSwMg5UkHkzCzFJzba0jcp0RQD2GzyFdfNVUFpo=,tag:+DfGjQob1YD7JatrXGHhag==,type:str] metadata: labels: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:CPO1WFAg,iv:q6js9e1eOJEEaHqvg0F0uYm4qYW3Sso4h2WTa2UmJ4A=,tag:jDCOnNxXrZ0Z9T/4DTL1Xw==,type:str] ENC[AES256_GCM,data:1uNgQJXxFw9R,iv:XHUNAZlcpCWj+c9GcV1NkgMDRJFYdxmEzyG8OM86eEg=,tag:xP6479VbKUahQZFjrrR1Jw==,type:str] ENC[AES256_GCM,data:mKEI3+eq,iv:JPcDPynaSL/vts3uu+KDOa7KFoXBSBvKTKbLLctbtMg=,tag:96tyadobNFj2ohvFxtn0wQ==,type:str] name: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:gxyAHqwXycSb,iv:BTM0lb34otc5b+5QbrCvzvMGw+0CpiEhSXww3KD+ovU=,tag:6utKNvvLy8nJFil5KoBikg==,type:str] namespace: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:VGbLLxuZ,iv:fYZsXcpB8RJZIEkbnE/WASNA22QsLfiy73wMH2B94Uk=,tag:vW8dDaQNDBN0sAVciQT0oA==,type:str] sops: attention: This section contains key material that should only be modified with extra care. See `sops -h`. version: '1.18' unencrypted_suffix: _unencrypted kms: - arn: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:2508876XXXX:key/c2affea6-1a23-4730-811c-4e00f71b4e1d enc: AQICAHieQzzkJQgHz+zSKXuZTbF0N9fOD29+n/pVBcZo8lS4dAGCwuVHO/wUItW+8/YwjIlwAAAAfjB8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagbzBtAgEAMGgGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMk6eWsUcYbrSk+TlUAgEQgDuTVf+uO5uY+mPb3Gkr61BHp9Nm6z+hMEJa6qX7WTDChwqNV01cXIuW9ByXNMLlO+j5olQrkGPOjqv3Ig== created_at: '2022-12-01T17:06:14Z' lastmodified: '2022-12-01T17:06:14Z' mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Mv+AWbwYHYo+eV0GmhpomKhOI1OyjY4CdDVFZSwwuosKJwcecKvhR34rsnRrQhvLHAir6LlZhqPJfg2pO5kze8OSvStVkEBExM8CsO3n2TSIvqO7EoQdor6OVIdAF/z5Og3ZIcEWtcGxhZJJKUqhBwD3fIHAh9Knt4Zf9lfNz38=,iv:pv3l+88TfOhVaPf5S7Y1fQlKo8rgEuWRxsDr/MawZhc=,tag:Nc76oH9Zb4Spp5de21Am5g==,type:str]
Giờ mình đã encrypt được file
Giờ integrate with argocd:
Bạn có thêm tham khảo link này cài argocd thông qua helm
Configure through Helm chart
repo argo:
configs: cm: create: true kustomize.buildOptions: "--enable-alpha-plugins" repoServer: name: repo-server env: - name: XDG_CONFIG_HOME value: /.config - name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION value: eu-central-1 - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID value: "XXXXXXXXXQSHIIZXXXXXXX" - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY value: "XXXXXXXXXXXDd9zLTqlMWSAEXXXXXXXX" volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/local/bin/kustomize name: custom-tools subPath: kustomize - mountPath: /.config/kustomize/plugin/ name: custom-tools subPath: ksops volumes: - name: custom-tools emptyDir: {} initContainers: - name: install-ksops image: viaductoss/ksops:v4.2.1 command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: - echo "Installing KSOPS..."; mv ksops /custom-tools/; mv kustomize /custom-tools/; echo "Done."; volumeMounts: - mountPath: /custom-tools name: custom-tools
Merge the extra configuration to the main manifest
Còn 1 style nữa bạn sẽ thường apply file manifest của argocd:
kubectl create namespace argocd kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Lúc này chúng ta sử dụng patchesStrategicMerge:
Tiếp đến là 2 file:
agocd-cm-plugin.yaml >>>> >>>>>> apiVersion: v1 data: exec.enable: "true" kustomize.buildOptions: '--enable-alpha-plugins' configManagementPlugins: | - name: kustomize-build-with-helm generate: command: [ "sh", "-c" ] args: [ "kustomize build --enable-helm" ] kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: argocd-cm
argocd-kms-ksops.yaml >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: argocd-repo-server spec: template: spec: initContainers: - args: - echo "Installing KSOPS..."; mv ksops /custom-tools/; mv kustomize /custom-tools/; echo "Done."; command: - /bin/sh - '-c' image: 'viaductoss/ksops:v4.2.1' name: install-ksops volumeMounts: - mountPath: /custom-tools name: custom-tools containers: - name: argocd-repo-server env: - name: XDG_CONFIG_HOME value: /.config - name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION value: us-west-2 - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID value: XXXXX3KUMTPJXXXXX - name: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY value: "XXXXXXbUmov+CVx6susUWzewXBEAXXXXXX" volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/local/bin/kustomize name: custom-tools subPath: kustomize - mountPath: /.config/kustomize/plugin/ name: custom-tools subPath: ksops volumes: - emptyDir: {} name: custom-tools
Encrypt Data in Your Application and Integrate with Argocd.
Giờ cần tạo push file mà bạn đã encrypt lên git và create 1 application trên argocd để kiểm chứng bạn có thể tham khảo link bên dưới
Cannot merge or replace
Mình gặp lỗi này:
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = `kustomize build .meta-structure/coralogix/otel-agent --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: Error: merging from generator &{0xc00015c730 <nil>}: id resid.ResId{Gvk:resid.Gvk{Group:"", Version:"v1", Kind:"ConfigMap", isClusterScoped:false}, Name:"otel-coralogix", Namespace:"coralogix"} does not exist; cannot merge or replace
Bạn sẽ cần remove hay xóa namespace trong file trước khi encrypt nhé
Real case.
Đầu tiên mình dùng kustomization integrate helm chart
kustomization.yaml >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apiVersion: kind: Kustomization helmCharts: - name: jenkins includeCRDs: false releaseName: jenkins-controller-android version: 4.1.8 repo: # valuesFile: values_helm.yaml namespace: default generators: - ./kops.yaml
apiVersion: kind: ksops metadata: name: ksops-secret files: - encrypted_file/jenkins-controller-android.yaml
Nếu bây giờ bạn sync luôn sẽ bị báo lỗi.
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Manifest generation error (cached): `kustomize build .jenkins/jenkins-helm-ksops --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: Error: merging from generator &{0xc00026e730 <nil>}: id resid.ResId{Gvk:resid.Gvk{Group:"", Version:"v1", Kind:"ConfigMap", isClusterScoped:false}, Name:"jenkins-controller-android", Namespace:"default"} exists; behavior must be merge or replace
Lúc này bạn sẽ cần cân nhắc giữa replace hay merge
# replace the base secret data/stringData values with these encrypted data/stringData values replace
# merge the base secret data/stringData values with these encrypted data/stringData values merge